• Meningococcal B
  • Booster Doses

I know the primary series of MenB vaccine should use the same brand for all doses. Does that also apply to booster doses?

Yes. MenB vaccines work differently and receiving mismatched MenB doses might result in inadequate protection. For this reason, documentation of the brand of vaccine (the two MenB products are Bexsero [MenB-4C] and Trumenba [MenB-FHbp]) is especially important. If a patient at high risk requires a booster dose and the brand of the primary series doses cannot be determined or is unavailable, then CDC recommends restarting the primary series with the available brand.

The first booster dose is recommended one year following completion of the primary series with subsequent booster doses every 2–3 years thereafter, as long as risk remains.

If a record shows that Penbraya (MenABCWY, Pfizer) was administered to a patient, this combination product contains MenB-FHbp (Trumenba) as its MenB component and subsequent doses should be Trumenba (or Penbraya, if indicated).

Last reviewed: March 24, 2024

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