About the Honor Roll
Immunize.org urges colleges and universities to establish policies requiring or recommending meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) vaccination to protect their students and prevent outbreaks. Immunize.org’s MenB Vaccination Honor Roll recognizes champion institutions that have taken the lead in establishing such policies.
MenB vaccine is not the same vaccine as meningococcal serogroups ACWY (MenACWY) vaccine which is routinely recommended for all preteens and teens at age 11–12 years with a second dose at age 16.
Based on a discussion between the patient and the provider, the MenB vaccine series is best given at age 16–18 years. The vaccine series may be given to young adults through age 23.
Please help the honor roll grow by notifying us if your college or university requires or recommends MenB vaccination and we will add you to the list.
If you know of other colleges or universities that have implemented such policies, please email us at menB@immunize.org.

Information for Applicants
Criteria for Inclusion
To qualify for the MenB Vaccination Honor Roll, an institution must:
- Have a policy requiring or recommending MenB vaccination for students.
- Disclose the policy language on student health forms along with all other recommended and required vaccines.
Colleges and universities added to the MenB Vaccination Honor Roll are announced in Immunize.org’s weekly immunization newsletter, IZ Express, and are individually recognized on all our social media channels.