• MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
  • Vaccine Recommendations

We have measles cases in our community. How can I best protect the young children in my practice?

First of all, make sure all your patients are fully vaccinated according to the U.S. immunization schedule.

In certain circumstances, MMR is recommended for infants age 6 through 11 months. Give infants this age a dose of MMR before international travel. In addition, consider measles vaccination for infants as young as age 6 months as a control measure during a U.S. measles outbreak. Consult your state health department to find out if this is recommended in your situation. Do not count any dose of MMR vaccine as part of the 2-dose series if it is administered more than 4 days before a child’s first birthday. Instead, repeat the dose when the child is age 12 months.

In the case of a local outbreak, you also might consider vaccinating children age 12 months and older at the minimum age (12 months, instead of 12 through 15 months) and giving the second dose 4 weeks later (at the minimum interval) instead of waiting until age 4 through 6 years.

Finally, remember that infants too young for routine vaccination and people with medical conditions that contraindicate measles immunization depend on high MMR vaccination coverage among those around them. Be sure to encourage all your patients and their family members to get vaccinated if they are not immune.

Last reviewed: June 19, 2023

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