• Influenza
  • Vaccine Recommendations
  • RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
  • Scheduling & Documentation (Vaccines and Antibody)

May influenza vaccines be given at the same time as RSV vaccine?

Yes, coadministration of influenza and RSV vaccines at the same visit is acceptable. Evidence is limited and mixed concerning the effects of coadministration on antibody titers or on any increase in side effects (reactogenicity) experienced by the recipient following coadministration. CDC has provided the details of available information in its guidance on RSV vaccination of older adults: www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/rsv/hcp/older-adults.html#administration-other-vaxs.

CDC advises that when deciding whether to coadminister other vaccines with an RSV vaccine, consider whether the patient is up to date with currently recommended vaccines, the feasibility of the patient returning for additional vaccine doses, their risk for acquiring vaccine-preventable disease, vaccine reactogenicity profiles, and patient preferences.

Last reviewed: August 11, 2024

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