Clinical Resources A-Z

We have developed hundreds of resources to support healthcare professionals and their patients. All are free to download, print, and share in your practice. Each printable (PDF) resource includes in its footer the date it was last reviewed and a QR code that links to the current online version.

Using the Clinical Resources Library

How to Find Your Answer

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  • By default, results are sorted alphabetically by title. You can also sort results by document number or by date (most recently updated first).
  • Some filter options may become disabled as you narrow your selections.
  • Filters are easily added and removed. Click or tap on the X to remove individual filters or choose “Reset All Filters” to remove all filters.
Results (157)

Declination of Influenza Vaccination

Form for healthcare worker signature and date, lists important reasons for annual influenza vaccination and consequences of vaccine refusal

Updated on: 9/18/24
Language: English

Maintaining the cold chain during transport is no longer distributing this piece. For an excellent resource on this subject, see the California Department of Public Health’s “Transporting Refrigerated Vaccines”

Partner Resource
Language: English

QR Code Links to All Vaccine Information Statements (VISs)

Scan QR codes with a mobile phone to access all federal VISs (including travel or non-routine vaccine VISs) and the Immunization Information Statement (IIS) for RSV preventive antibody. A QR code for VIS Translations goes to where you can select the language of interest and open translated VISs. Links to VIS resources for healthcare professionals are also included.

Updated on: 10/8/24
Language: English

Sample Vaccine Policy Statement

This sample vaccine policy statement is for pediatric providers to adapt and share their commitment to immunization with patients and parents

Updated on: 1/3/24
Language: English

Partner Resources

Alliance for Immunization in Michigan (AIM)

A resource for immunization management, patient education, and other quality resources.

California Department of Public Health

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Institute for Safe Medication Practices

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (HHS)

This page was updated on .