IZ Express
Our weekly email newsletter, IZ Express, has been in production since 1997 and currently has more than 55,000 subscribers. Each week, it provides up-to-date information about:
  • New CDC vaccine recommendations
  • FDA vaccine approvals
  • Newly released Vaccine Information Statements
  • New immunization resources
  • Current events
  • Notable journal articles
  • Ask the Experts special editions
  • And more …
Results (77)

Issue 368: February 24, 2003

  1. CDC publishes information on smallpox vaccine adverse events among the first wave of vaccinated civilians
  2. CDC publishes recommendations for clinicians on smallpox vaccination and adverse reactions
  3. Update: IAC adds more video clips and photos to its new website for the public and health professionals
  4. Update: IAC makes minor revisions to "It's Federal Law!!" professional education piece on Vaccine Information Statements
  5. Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine set for May 7-11 in New York
  6. Reader alert: February 28 is registration deadline for Minnesota conference on adult vaccine preventable diseases

Issue 367: February 17, 2003

  1. Jade Ribbon Campaign offers hepatitis B information to the nation's Asian American and Pacific Islander community
  2. April 28 is early bird registration deadline for the National Conference on Immunization Coalitions

Issue 366: February 13, 2003

Story #54: Medical errors cause two more children to be chronically infected with hepatitis B

Issue 365: February 10, 2003

  1. New! IAC releases results from its 2002 Hepatitis B Birth Dose Survey
  2. New! IAC's latest professional education pieces make a strong case for giving all newborns hepatitis B vaccine in the hospital
  3. Revised: IAC updates the popular "Questions Frequently Asked About Hepatitis B" information piece
  4. Revised: IAC updates dosage information on its "Hepatitis A & B Vaccines" professional education piece
  5. Revised! CDC's updated MMR Vaccine Information Statement available on IAC's website in three languages
  6. New! CD-ROM on smallpox vaccination techniques now available
  7. Open meeting of IOM Committee on Smallpox Vaccination Program Implementation set for February 13 in Washington, DC
  8. CDC establishes Smallpox Vaccine Adverse Events Monitoring System
  9. CDC's AFIX strategy helps providers raise immunization coverage levels
  10. CDC releases guidelines on laboratory testing and result reporting of antibody to hepatitis C virus
  11. CDC compares HIV/STD risk differences for men who have sex with men and disclose their sexual orientation and those who do not disclose
  12. Reader alert! February 19 is deadline for abstracts for the National HIV Prevention Conference
  13. New edition! Comprehensive book on infection control in child care and preschool settings is updated
  14. Free! Get your "Immunization . . . Not Just Kids' Stuff" posters while they last
  15. New! European Vaccine Manufacturers announce website launch

Issue 364: February 5, 2003

  1. Help IAC! Provide a link on your website to IAC's newest website: http://www.vaccineinformation.org

Issue 363: February 3, 2003

  1. CDC publishes "Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule--United States, 2003"
  2. CDC notifies readers that use of standing orders for influenza and pneumococcal vaccination can increase vaccination rates among persons age 65 and over
  3. New! "What If You Don't Immunize Your Child" brochure can help convince hesitant parents to choose vaccination
  4. New edition! Canadian Paediatric Society publishes revised vaccination guide for parents
  5. Reminder: CDC satellite broadcast series on vaccine-preventable diseases begins February 13
  6. Reminder: CDC's National Immunization Conference is set for March 17-20 in Chicago
  7. Revised! CDC issues updated version of smallpox Vaccine Information Statement
  8. Website of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health offers bilingual health information
  9. New! Hepatitis C video "The Hidden Epidemic" now available from HFI
  10. IOM report lists immunization as one of twenty priority areas that can transform U.S. health care system
  11. March 10 is application deadline for hepatitis C educational workshop grants
  12. IOM Immunization Safety Review Committee to meet about the safety of influenza vaccine on March 13-14

Issue 362: January 27, 2003

  1. CDC releases recommendations on prevention and control of hepatitis virus infections in correctional settings
  2. IOM report urges caution in implementing national smallpox immunization program
  3. CDC publishes guidance for clinicians on smallpox vaccination and adverse reactions
  4. New! CDC's "2001-2002 State Immunization Requirements" now on IAC website
  5. CDC releases surveillance summary on safety after immunization
  6. Professional education pieces on the management of patients chronically infected with HBV are updated on IAC's website
  7. February 4 is the date for CDC's satellite broadcast and webcast on clinical management of smallpox adverse events
  8. CDC publishes report on a recent rabies death in Iowa
  9. CDC broadcast on smallpox and vaccinia for laboratorians is set for January 29
  10. MMWR notifies readers that vaccine research conference is set for May 5-7; February 7 is abstract deadline

Issue 361: January 21, 2003

  1. IAC reorganizes and expands its Vaccine Safety resources
  2. New translation! MMR Vaccine Information Statement now in Spanish
  3. JCAHO's article on protecting newborns from hepatitis B now on IAC's website
  4. New! "Hepatitis B and Refugees: A Clinical Perspective" PowerPoint presentation now available on CDC website
  5. Kids with hepatitis can go to camp!
  6. CDC publishes update on influenza activity for the current season
  7. Free! IAC's "Roll Up Your Sleeves" pre-teen hepatitis B poster available for the asking
  8. CDC requests information about encephalopathy cases in children with influenza

Issue 360: January 16, 2003

Story #53: Outbreak of pneumococcal pneumonia in a New Jersey nursing home claims four lives

Issue 359: January 13, 2003

  1. JAMA reports U.S. influenza deaths rising steadily
  2. Freeware puts 2003 childhood immunization schedule in the palm of your hand
  3. Updated! NNii revises and adds new sections to its "Communicating with Patients about Immunization" resource kit
  4. CDC reports on a recent pertussis outbreak among adults in Illinois
  5. Take note: Registration begins January 23 for CDC's "Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases" satellite broadcast and webcast series
  6. Reminder: CDC's National Hepatitis Coordinators' Conference set for January 26-30 in San Antonio
  7. ASTHO pandemic influenza report urges state officials to prepare for a likely epidemic
  8. New! Program report and advocacy booklet available online from the Children's Vaccine Program at PATH
  9. GAVI's most recent quarterly newsletter available online
  10. FDA advises blood-collection industry about accepting blood from donors recently vaccinated against smallpox
  11. CDC summarizes Cambodia's success in reducing measles incidence

Issue 358: January 9, 2003

Story #52: As the New Year begins, a parent expresses gratitude for immunization

Issue 357: January 6, 2003

  1. New! "Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule--United States, 2003" available on IAC website
  2. Highly recommended: "Vaccines and Your Baby" video answers parents' questions and concerns about vaccines
  3. New! CDC creates a web page for smallpox Q&As
  4. CDC Program "Smallpox Preparedness: Considerations for Response Team Volunteers" to be rebroadcast January 9
  5. New! CD-ROM and video of "CDC Bioterrorism Update: Smallpox Preparedness" now available
  6. CDC publishes article indicating that people with bleeding disorders are unlikely to contract viral hepatitis from blood products
  7. Register soon: January 17 is "early bird" registration deadline for CDC's National Immunization Conference
  8. Conference on Needle-Free and Auto Injectors to be held February 24-25 in London
  9. Reminder: Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease will take place April 6-10 in Sydney, Australia

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