IZ Express

Issue 1797: January 29, 2025

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Immunize.org Website and Clinical Resources 

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Immunize.org reviews, updates content of “Ask the Experts” web page on hepatitis B vaccines

Immunize.org updated the questions and answers in its "Ask the Experts" web page for HepB vaccine. Updates reflect that Heplisav-B (Dynavax) is an option for use during pregnancy now that safety data is available. The web page was also updated to reflect the removal of PreHevbrio, which VBI Vaccines withdrew from the U.S. market in November 2024 for business reasons. The section addresses how to complete series initiated with PreHevbrio.

Immunize.org's Ask the Experts main page leads you to 30 distinct web pages on dozens of topics with more than 1,300 common or challenging questions and answers (Q&As) about vaccines and their administration. Immunize.org's team of experts includes Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH (team lead); Carolyn B. Bridges, MD, FACP; Iyabode Beysolow, MD, MPH; and Jane R. Zucker, MD, MSc.

Related Links

Immunize.org reviews, updates content of “Ask the Experts” web page on dengue vaccine 

Immunize.org updated its "Ask the Experts" web page for the dengue vaccine. Updates incorporate:

  • A note that Dengvaxia (Sanofi) production is scheduled to end in early 2026
  • Updates links to CDC’s “General Best Practices for Immunization” 
  • Updates to the epidemiology of dengue

Related Links

No MMWR or FluView published this week as HHS pauses public communications and meetings during administration transition 

HHS paused all public communications, including communications from CDC, during the administration transition. The February 2025 meeting of the HHS National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) was canceled.
No MMWR publications or FluView updates on influenza and respiratory virus activity in the United States were posted during the week of January 20.

Immunize.org updates five hepatitis B resources for healthcare professionals, noting option to use Heplisav-B in pregnancy and  discontinuation of PreHevbrio

Immunize.org updated five hepatitis B resources to address two recent developments: the addition of Heplisav-B (Dynavax) as an option for vaccination during pregnancy and the withdrawal of PreHevbrio (VBI Vaccines) from the U.S. market in November 2024 for business reasons. Where relevant, the resources now discuss how to complete the series initiated with PreHevbrio with any other available HepB products. The updated resources include: 



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Immunize.org updates “Evidence Shows Vaccines Unrelated to Autism”

Immunize.org recently updated its Evidence Shows Vaccines Unrelated to Autism resource. Updates reflect the latest science that continues to show no relationship between vaccines and autism. We acknowledge the partnership of the Autism Science Foundation, which co-brands this resource, providing advice from their subject matter experts.

Related Links

Immunize.org updates resource summarizing the endorsements of professional organizations for school vaccination requirements and opposing nonmedical exemptions

Immunize.org updated Leading Medical Organizations Endorse Strong School and Childcare Vaccination Requirements and Elimination of Nonmedical Exemptions. The resource is updated with the most current position statements from a variety of medical organizations. The resource also links to Immunize.org's web page displaying information on states' exemption policies.

Related Links

Immunize.org updates two vaccine storage and handling resources

Immunize.org updated two storage and handling resources. The resources include: 

  • Checklist for Safe Vaccine Storage and Handling: Edits emphasize the value of using digital data loggers for vaccine storage and the importance of never using dormitory-style combination units for vaccine storage.
  • Vaccine Storage Emergency Response Worksheet: Contact information for manufacturers was verified. Edits remove VBI Vaccines from the list of manufacturers and specify Bavarian Nordic as the manufacturer of Vaxchora (oral cholera vaccine) and Vivotif (oral typhoid vaccine).


Related Links

Immunize.org updates “Vaccine Administration Record for Adults” and the "Vaccine Administration Record for Children and Teens"

Immunize.org updated vaccine administration records for adults and for children and teens as age-appropriate, adding recently recommended vaccines, including PCV21 (Capvaxive, Merck), mRNA RSV (mResvia, Moderna), and mpox vaccine (Jynneos, Bavarian Nordic) and removing PreHevbrio (HepB, VBI). Polio vaccine (Ipol, Sanofi) was added to the adult form.


Related Links

“Recommendations for the Use of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine”: watch the 2-minute answer, part of the Ask the Experts Video Series on YouTube

This week, our featured episode from the Ask the Experts Video Series is Recommendations for the Use of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine. The video explains CDC’s recommended immunization schedule.

The 2-minute video is available on our YouTube channel, along with our full collection of quick video answers to popular Ask the Experts questions.

Like, follow, and share Immunize.org’s social media accounts and encourage colleagues and others interested in vaccination to do likewise.

Vaccines in the news

These recent articles convey the potential risks of vaccine-preventable diseases and the importance of vaccination.

Immunize.org Website and Clinical Resources

Recap: Immunize.org updates its "Standing Orders for Administering Hepatitis B Vaccine to Children and Teens" template 

Immunize.org made minor updates to its Standing Orders for Administering Hepatitis B Vaccine to Children and Teens template. All hyperlinks were reviewed and updated as needed, and a note was added that teens age 18 years and older who received 2 doses of Heplisav-B at least 4 weeks apart do not need a third dose.

Recap: Immunize.org updates its resource "Don't Be Guilty of These Preventable Errors in Vaccine Storage and Handling!" 

Immunize.org edited its resource titled Don't Be Guilty of These Preventable Errors in Vaccine Storage and Handling! Updates now indicate that COVID-19 content is blended into the CDC's main vaccine storage toolkit. Additionally, two new bullets were created to encourage:

  • Checking for NSF/ANSI 456 certification indicating compliance with voluntary standards of vaccine storage quality performance when purchasing new vaccine storage units
  • Use of digital data loggers for temperature monitoring, which is recommended for all vaccine storage units and required for Vaccines for Children (VFC) vaccine storage

Recap: Immunize.org updates its "Notification of Immunization Letter Template" 

Immunize.org updated its Notification of Immunization Letter Template, removing PreHevbrio from the list of possible immunizations given. VBI Vaccines withdrew PreHevbrio from the U.S. market in fall 2024 for business reasons.

Recap: Immunize.org revises "Supplies You May Need at an Immunization Clinic"  

Immunize.org updated the URLs in its resource, Supplies You May Need at an Immunization Clinic

Featured Resources

Immunize.org lifetime immunization record cards available for patient-held records; adult-only cards no longer available

As the use of immunization information systems and electronic records increases, demand for patient-held immunization record cards has declined. Immunize.org discontinued printing its adult record cards due to lack of demand, but we will continue to offer our Lifetime Immunization Record Cards.

The Lifetime Record Cards are printed on rip-proof, smudge-proof, waterproof paper and are designed to last a lifetime. They fit in a wallet when folded. The record cards are for providers to give to patients as a permanent personal vaccination record and are sold in boxes of 250. 

To purchase record cards for your site, please visit the Immunize.org Shop.

Related Link

Order laminated 2025 U.S. immunization schedule booklets from Immunize.org

Laminated booklets of the 2025 U.S. child and adolescent immunization schedule and the 2025 U.S. adult immunization schedule are available now in the Immunize.org shop. The laminated booklets are shipping now.

The schedules are available online as PDFs from CDC at no cost. Immunize.org’s laminated booklets are ideal for use in any busy healthcare setting where vaccines are given. Features include:

  • Durability: Their tough coating can be wiped down, and they can stand up to a year's worth of use.
  • Format: Each schedule is produced in an 8.5” X 11” booklet format; with color coding for easy reading, our laminated schedules replicate the original CDC formatting, including all tables and notes. The adult schedule is 16 pages and the child and adolescent schedule is 20 pages.
  • Easy access to CDC updates: The CDC online schedule includes an addendum page that will display ACIP’s new recommendations as CDC adopts them during 2025. Each Immunize.org laminated schedule addendum page includes QR codes you can scan to view or print the online addendum page as it is revised.
  • Bonus content: Both schedules include a bonus page with Immunize.org’s popular 1-page handout summarizing the dose, route, and needle size recommendations for all vaccines and recipients.


Child and Adolescent Booklets           Adult Booklets   
1 copy: $10.50           1 copy: $10.00
2–4 copies: $10.00 each           2–4 copies: $9.50 each
5–19 copies: $9.00 each           5–19 copies: $8.50 each
20–99 copies: $8.00 each           20–99 copies: $7.50 each
100–499 copies: $6.50 each           100–499 copies: $6.00 each
500–999 copies: $5.50 each           500–999 copies: $5.00 each
1,000–1,999 copies: $4.50 each            1,000–1,999 copies: $4.00 each
2,000+ copies: $3.75 each           2,000+ copies: $3.25 each
Visit the Shop Immunize.org: Laminated Schedules web page to view images and preorder today!

For additional information, call 651-647-9009 or email admininfo@immunize.org.

Related Links
Immunize.org's elegantly designed "Vaccines Save Lives" black enamel pins make wonderful gifts or workplace recognitions!

Immunize.org’s elegantly designed “Vaccines Save Lives” pins are meaningful gifts for people who care about vaccination. The pin makes a refined statement in hard black enamel with gold lettering and edges, measuring 1.125" x 0.75". The pin features a stick-through-post with the back covered by a round rubber cap that holds the pin securely. A gold metal spring-lock clasp is also provided.

Wear these pins on clothing, uniforms, and white coats to show that you value vaccines.


Click here for "Vaccines Save Lives" pin pricing and ordering information.

Upcoming Events

Questions about our website? Register for Immunize.org Website Office Hours February 12 at 4:00 p.m. (ET) or February 13 at 12:00 p.m. (ET). Previously recorded sessions available online.

To learn simple tips and tricks for using our website efficiently, please register for our next set of Website Office Hours on Wednesday, February 12 at 4:00 p.m. (ET) or Thursday, February 13 at 12:00 p.m. (ET). The same content will be covered in both sessions.

We will open each 45-minute session with a short, live demonstration on navigating the Official Guidance (part 2: state resources) website section and address questions submitted in advance. This section is extremely useful for those who want to know about state immunization requirements for school and childcare. You can submit questions when you register or live on Zoom during the session.

Register today for Immunize.org Website Office Hours (content is the same for both):

The archive of previous Website Office Hours content is posted at Immunize.org’s Webinars & Videos page.

Mark your calendar for future Immunize.org Website Office Hours.

For more upcoming events, visit our Calendar of Events.

About IZ Express

IZ Express is supported in part by Grant No. NH23IP922654 from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Its contents are solely the responsibility of Immunize.org and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

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