Clinical Resources: Adult Vaccination

Results (53)

Declination of Influenza Vaccination

Form for healthcare worker signature and date, lists important reasons for annual influenza vaccination and consequences of vaccine refusal

Updated on: 9/18/24
Language: English

Fainting Related to Vaccination: What You Need to Know

A 1-page handout for patients and caregivers describes symptoms of fainting (syncope), how it can occur around vaccination, how to reduce the risk of vaccination-related fainting, and what to do if someone faints during vaccination

Updated on: 7/31/23
Language: English

Partner Resources

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)

American College of Physicians (ACP)

This resource hub was developed as part of ACP's I Raise the Rates initiative to assist physicians and their teams to assess, understand, and improve adult immunization rates in their clinical settings
A collaborative campaign to support patients, physicians, and healthcare teams in raising adult immunization rates and reducing vaccine-preventable diseases.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit (NAIIS)

Newsletter with the latest adult immunization information and announcements of upcoming events
Quick Guide to Adult Vaccine Messaging
Tips for sharing important vaccine messages with adults

National Vaccine Program Office


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